About Us

Christians in Iran are in desperate need of quality resources, guidance, and prayer. For years, the growing Christian movement in Iran has gone largely unnoticed in the Western world, with almost zero mainstream media coverage and only a small percentage of all missions’ resources going to efforts to reach this critical nation.

Since Heart4Iran’s beginning in 2006, we have been devoted 
to reaching this spiritually hungry nation with the hope of Christ through social media, mobile technology, satellite TV, underground church planting, call center, and most important of all, through meaningful partnership. We strive to bring the cause of Iranian Christians, and the hope of their struggle to the mainstream media and the forefront of Christian philanthropy.

H4I aids in fulfilling the Great Commission through:
Evangelism and Discipleship
Church Planting
Online Virtual Church
Bible Distribution
Leadership Training
24/7 Call Center & Trauma Agents 
24/7 Christian Satellite Broadcasting (MohabatTV)
Multi-Platform Social Media Engagements 

Our mission, through these avenues, is the see the Great Commission reach the four corners of Iran and beyond!


IRAN (ranked the 9th most dangerous country to be a follower of Jesus)
AFGHANISTAN (ranked the most dangerous country to be a follower of Jesus)
The Targeted Population is 130 million people composed of many UPGs (Unreached People Groups)


Heart4Iran’s media arm, Mohabat TV, is a 24/7 Farsi satellite station. Along with its social media platforms and their vast 24/7 call center, we are able to engage hundreds of people daily to bring them from interest-to-influence. Heart4Iran and its family of partners are pioneers in the virtual church ministry in Iran. In 2018, Mohabat TV received the NRB’s prestigious International Impact Award.


Heart4Iran is a prominent ministry that provides opportunities to smaller indigenous groups and organizations to reach their own people in Iran and the region. Not only does it provide free studio production to hundreds of partners, but it also provides free broadcast, free in-country follow-up, and free Bible distribution inside Iran. To this date, Heart4Iran has helped launch over 300 house churches across Iran. God is at work in Iran, Jesus is building His Church and the Spirit is transforming lives. The Gospel is on the move! Let’s partner together to advance the Great Commission in this critical region.