Iran (MNN) — If you grew up in the Western world, you’ve probably heard about Vacation Bible Schools and possibly been part of one yourself. But have you ever attended a virtual Sunday School? A growing number of kids in Iran today have.
As an Islamic nation, Iran has very few Christian resources for children. That’s why Heart4Iran’s virtual Sunday Schools are meeting such a deep need among Iranian kids.
Jennifer* is the manager of Heart4Iran’s Superbook Farsi program. She explains that each hour-long Sunday School outreach has two parts. The first 30 minutes are a TV broadcast of Superbook (a Bible-based kids’ TV series) supported by additional content.
“We have Academy videos — Bible background that are very helpful in understanding the history of the Bible story. [We have] Signpost videos [on] how, for example, the Daniel story relates to Jesus and how it relates to our life today.”