As Heart4Iran broadcasts the animated TV show Superbook into Iran, children are receiving the gospel with joy. Their excitement impacts their families too.
For more than 40 years, Superbook – created by the Christian Broadcasting Network – has brought Bible stories to life for kids across the world. Today, Heart4Iran and its partners are bringing Superbook into the Farsi language episode by episode.
Jennifer* is the manager of the Superbook Farsi team at Heart4Iran. She knows firsthand the impact that children can have on their families when it comes to faith in Christ.
When Jennifer was four, her mom sent her to a Sunday School.
“My sister and I would come home and talk about Jesus to my mom, not knowing that we’re witnessing to her. She got excited from our excitement, and she started going to a church and reading [the] Bible. This is how salvation [came] to our home,” Jennifer says.